How to mod Welsh geiriadur 1.10 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to mod Welsh geiriadur 1.10 unlimited apk for bluestacks

Welsh geiriadur.apk 1.10
Name: Welsh geiriadur.apk
Version: 1.10
Size: 0 Mb

Welsh geiriadur Screenshots

How to download Welsh geiriadur 1.10 mod apk for laptop
How to get Welsh geiriadur patch 1.10 apk for bluestacks
How to mod Welsh geiriadur 1.10 mod apk for laptop

How to setup Welsh geiriadur apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Welsh geiriadur Details

User will be satisfied with this Welsh - English dictionary because:
- It has the largest vocabulary
- Detail description for each word and a lot of samples
- Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using
* Full support pronunciation for both English and Welsh will help you so much in study these languages.
(This application can run in offline mode but need the internet connection for the pronunciation and web browser functions.)
Please setup the Welsh keyboard before using this app
This free dict works well in all android devices including mobile and tablet, it is very useful for all kinds of people although in offline environment.
- For student, pupil or researcher, this app is the largest thesaurus help them make the deeply investigation in each words and phrases including idiom, slang, noun, verb, adjective, adverb...
The largest vocabulary and lexicon will help people find all special words in all branch; medicine, medicinal, math, chemical, horoscope, biology, aetiology, physics, physiology…
- For the English learners, this is the perfect tool to improve your lexicon, idiolect and grammar skill by so many detailed examples and conjugation supported.
This dictionary has all the advantages of other dicts so It will help you improve skills in speaking, writing, reading, listening, conversation and well prepare for the tests such as TOEFL, IELTS...
- For the translator or interpreter, this tool will give you quickly the good translation and also the pronunciation of both languages by only one tap.
- This is also the indispensable tool for travelers, with this dict in your mobile you can finish the journey in anywhere in Wales without any communication problem with Welsh people.
Good luck and merry using my product :)

Bydd Defnyddiwr fod yn fodlon gyda'r Gymraeg hwn - geiriadur Saesneg oherwydd:
- Mae ganddo eirfa mwyaf
- Manylion disgrifiad ar gyfer pob gair ac mae llawer o samplau
- Rhyngwyneb defnyddiwr Syml a pherfformiad uchel yn gwneud i chi deimlo'n hawdd wrth ddefnyddio
* Bydd ynganiad Cefnogaeth lawn i Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg yn eich helpu gymaint yn yr astudiaeth ieithoedd hyn .
( Gall y cais yn rhedeg yn y modd all-lein , ond mae angen i'r cysylltiad rhyngrwyd ar gyfer swyddogaethau ynganu a porwr gwe . )
Os gwelwch yn dda setup y bysellfwrdd Cymraeg cyn defnyddio'r cais hwn
Mae hyn geiriadur rhydd yn gweithio'n dda yn yr holl ddyfeisiau Android gynnwys symudol a dabled , mae'n ddefnyddiol iawn ar gyfer pob math o bobl er mewn amgylchedd all-lein .
- Ar gyfer myfyrwyr , disgyblion neu ymchwilydd , app hwn yw'r mwyaf thesawrws helpu i wneud yr ymchwiliad ddwfn ym mhob geiriau ac ymadroddion gan gynnwys idiomau , slang , enw , berf , ansoddair , adferf ...
Mae'r eirfa mwyaf a geirfa yn helpu pobl ddod o hyd i holl eiriau arbennig ym mhob cangen ;
- Ar gyfer y dysgwyr yn Lloegr , mae hyn yw'r offeryn perffaith i wella eich geirfa , idiolect a sgil gramadeg gan gymaint o enghreifftiau manwl a cydgysylltiad â chymorth.
Mae gan y geiriadur holl fanteision dicts eraill , felly Bydd yn eich helpu i wella medrau siarad, ysgrifennu, darllen , gwrando, sgwrs a lles baratoi ar gyfer y profion o'r fath fel TOEFL , IELTS ...
- Ar gyfer y cyfieithydd neu ddehonglydd , bydd yr offeryn hwn yn rhoi gyflym y cyfieithiad da a hefyd y ynganiad y ddwy iaith gan mai dim ond un tap i chi .
- Mae hyn hefyd yn offeryn anhepgor ar gyfer teithwyr , gyda'r dict hyn yn eich ffôn symudol , gallwch orffen y daith yn unrhyw le yng Nghymru heb unrhyw broblem gyfathrebu â phobl Cymru.
Pob lwc a llawen defnyddio fy cynnyrch :)

What's new in Welsh geiriadur 1.10

fix bug
Welsh geiriadur | 7 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

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How to download Welsh geiriadur lastet apk for pc
How to use Welsh geiriadur mod apk
How to mod Welsh geiriadur 1.10 apk
How to get Welsh geiriadur unlimited apk

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